Archive | February, 2012

My Interest

19 Feb

So I know that my last post was supposed to be like the introduction, but really all it did was tell a little about me and what I plan to write about.  I think that I should now explain my experience, and why this topic is so relevant to me.

Growing up, there were not that many women involved in politics.  Thinking back, the only woman who I really ever heard about was Hilary Clinton, and talk about her was certainly second to that of Monica Lewinsky.  That sex scandal was all over the news then, yet it probably would seem to just fit in with the current trends of politicians that have been in the news lately.  It seems like there are constant “break through” stories about this politician or that politician taking trips with escorts, or getting it on with a hooker or stripper.

This is probably where I should explain why this interests me so much.  For one, I am obviously a woman, and I am studying politics, in the nation’s capital.  I have noticed that there is a huge gender gap still today in this area.  In a school with a majority of girls, all of my core classes have many more males than females.  Also, I am on the E-board for American University College Republicans, and the entire club is primarily men.  It is not that I have an issue with this, as I get along with guys much better than most girls anyways, but it is fascinating to me.  I have often wondered if it is because men are actually more interested in politics than women, or if it has something to do with the social constructs that have been in place for centuries?  Is it because males feel powerful in these positions and want to keep women out.  Or do women just feel insecure and uncomfortable being around such a male presence?

I have held an internship on Capital Hill, like so many other American University students, but I think mine may have been somewhat different from most of these.  I am not going to disclose where I worked or who I worked with.  This is because I intend to be open and sincere in this blog and it is not my goal to hurt anyone by bringing up certain incidents.

When I worked on “The Hill”, I was a “victim” of sexual harassment, I guess technically sexual assault.  One of the assistants in the office would make inappropriate comments, as well as physically touch me in areas and ways that are not ever allowed.  No, I did not get raped or anything of that sort, but I certainly felt violated.  Towards the end of my time there, I began to really hate going in.  I had to work up the courage to get there, and by the time my work was done, and I had put up with the crudeness, I took the metro home shaking.  This is certainly a big reason why I want to look more into this topic; I know, firsthand, that sexism in politics is clearly an issue in today’s society.

Women in Politics

7 Feb

Although historically considered a male profession, the political world is beginning to open up to women, giving them more influence and opportunities.  For my research project, I want to answer the question of “how does identifying as the female gender affect the opportunities open to an individual in the political spectrum, as well as the way in which others view and interact with them?”  This topic is of interest to me because I identify as a woman and I am majoring in Political Science and CLEG (interdisciplinary studies of Communication, Legal Studies, Economics and Government).  I have a great deal of interest in politics, with the added twist that I am more of a minority in the political world since I am a woman that associates strictly with the Republican Party.  Also, as I mentioned in class, I did deal with sexism during my internship on the hill.

I believe that there are probably a lot of articles, both scholarly and timely, that deal with this issue.  With the current election underway, I am sure I will also be able to find many blogs and video blogs that will act as good sources for adding insight in my attempt to answer this proposed question.  Maybe I will also be able to talk to other students who have experience about that too.